MagicBooks Editora التطبيقات

Brazilian AreaCodes DDD Search 1.1
MagicBooks Editora
Brazilian AreaCodes DDD Search - DDDs Brasileiros
The Master Key System 3.0
MagicBooks Editora
The Complete Book, 1st Edition 1916 - FREE
The Science of Getting Rich 5.0
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The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles.
O que é o Espiritismo - Kardec 3.0
MagicBooks Editora
What is Spiritism, by Allan Kardec
O Livro dos Espíritos 7.0
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This behind the entire book of spiritual doctrine based app. Spreadthe doctrine.
O Livro dos Médiuns 7.0
MagicBooks Editora
This behind the entire book of spiritual doctrine based app. Spreadthe doctrine.
Leyes Federales de México 2.0-MX
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Federal laws of Mexico FREE
Leis para Concursos Públicos 30.4-LC
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All Brazilian laws in the palm of your hand.
Código Penal Brasileiro 5.0
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Brazilian Criminal Code - Compiled. Constantly updated.
The Law of Attraction BOOK 6.2
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The complete book, FREE
Constituição Brasileira 5.0
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Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with all thechanges.
The Secret of Success 6
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The book that was the main source of inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's"The Secret"
Lois et Règlements Français 3.0-VMF
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"French Laws and Regulations" for Android phones
Learn to Read Minds - DONATE 2.0
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This is the DONATE version of the book "Learn to Read Minds".
Think and Grow Rich - N. Hill 6.0
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THIS BOOK IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, and the full text is presentedhere.
Evangelho Segundo Espiritismo 8.2
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The complete book of spiritual doctrine based, FREE. Spread thedoctrine. PEACE.
Vade Mecum Juridico Completo 30.4-VM
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All Brazilian laws in the palm of your hand.
Shake To Do Something PRO 2.1-STDSP
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Just shake your phone to automagically do things.
Book of Mormon (2 MB app size) 3.0
MagicBooks Editora
The Complete Book of Mormon - FREE - Lightweight - 2 MB only appsize
Vade Mecum Juridico PRO 14.0
MagicBooks Editora
This is the PRO version of "Vade Mecum Legal Complete 'Application.
Interpretation of Dreams Freud 1.0
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The complete book, FREE
Code Civil Français 2.0
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The French Civil Code, Complete
Leyes Federales de México PRO 1.0
MagicBooks Editora
This is the PRO version of the application "Federal Law of Mexico".
A Gênese - por Allan Kardec 2.0
MagicBooks Editora
Quran in English 7.0
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The holy book, full
Código de Processo Penal 3.0
MagicBooks Editora
Complete Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code
Code Pénal Français 1.0
MagicBooks Editora
The French Penal Code, Complete
Science of Getting Rich DONATE 2.0
MagicBooks Editora
This is the DONATE VERSION of the book "The Science of GettingRich".
Shake Screen On Off PRO 3.1-SSOOP
MagicBooks Editora
Turn your screen on and off by simply shaking your phone.
Quran in English DONATE 2.0
MagicBooks Editora
This is the DONATE version of the HOLY book.
Volume Button Recorder PRO 5.0-VBRP
MagicBooks Editora
Press volume up or down to start/stop recording
The Master Key System - DONATE 1.0
MagicBooks Editora
This is the DONATE version of the book .
Animal Farm - by George Orwell 1.0
MagicBooks Editora
THE BOOK. FREE. Animal Farm is an allegorical and dystopiannovellaby George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August1945.According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up totheRussian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalin era intheSoviet Union. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a criticofJoseph Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Stalinism, anattitudethat was critically shaped by his experiences during theSpanishCivil War. The Soviet Union, he believed, had become abrutaldictatorship, built upon a cult of personality and enforcedby areign of terror. In a letter to Yvonne Davet, OrwelldescribedAnimal Farm as a satirical tale against Stalin ("un contesatiriquecontre Staline"), and in his essay "Why I Write" (1946),he wrotethat Animal Farm was the first book in which he had tried,withfull consciousness of what he was doing, "to fuse politicalpurposeand artistic purpose into one whole". The original title wasAnimalFarm: A Fairy Story, though the subtitle was dropped byU.S.publishers for its 1946 publication and subsequently all butone ofthe translations during Orwell's lifetime omitted it.Othervariations in the title include: A Satire and AContemporarySatire. Orwell suggested the title Union desrépubliquessocialistes animales for the French translation, whichabbreviatesto URSA, the Latin for "bear", a symbol of Russia, andwhichrecalled the French name of the Soviet Union, Union desrépubliquessocialistes soviétiques. Orwell wrote the book fromNovember 1943to February 1944, when the wartime alliance with theSoviet Unionwas at its height and Stalin was regarded highly by theBritishpeople and intelligentsia, a circumstance that Orwell hated.It wasinitially rejected by a number of British and Americanpublishers,including one of Orwell's own, Victor Gollancz. Itspublication wasthus delayed, though it became a great commercialsuccess when itdid finally appear partly because the Cold War soquickly followedWorld War II. Time magazine chose the book as oneof the 100 bestEnglish-language novels (1923 to 2005); it alsofeatured at number31 on the Modern Library List of Best20th-Century Novels. It won aRetrospective Hugo Award in 1996, andis also included in the GreatBooks of the Western World selection.---- Description taken fromWikipedia on 2015-05-23 Animal Farm, thebook by George Orwell, ison the public domain on Australia.